
Archive for April, 2009

They're good enough, they're smart enough, and dogonnit, people like them.

They're good enough, they're smart enough, and doggonit, people like them.

Of course, it was the brilliant Michele Bachmann who said that Franklin Roosevelt turned a recession into a depression through the “Hoot-Smalley” tariffs. She should take her act on the road.

Here are some other memorable quotes from Rep. Bachmann:

“Little children will be forced to learn that homosexuality is normal and natural and perhaps they should try it.”

“Literally, if we took away the minimum wage—if conceivably it was gone—we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.”

“In some ways, to believe in evolution is almost like a following; a cult following — if you don’t believe in evolution, you’re considered completely backward. That seems to me very indicative of bias as well.”

“We’re running out of rich people in this country.”

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A study by Ohio State University examined the “biased message processing” of Stephen Colbert’s satire. The study found that individuals’ political ideology determined their perceptions of Colbert’s meanings and that their perceptions varied widely.

I don’t know how anyone watching, say, Colbert’s performance at the Correspondents’ Dinner could see anything but a biting criticism of the Bush administration and its enablers in the press. But on his show, I suppose, he can be as manic and annoying as any of the top blowhards like Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly.

So the study concluded:

. . . there was no significant difference between the groups in thinking Colbert was funny, but conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said while liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements. Conservatism also significantly predicted perceptions that Colbert disliked liberalism. Finally, a post hoc analysis revealed that perceptions of Colbert’s political opinions fully mediated the relationship between political ideology and individual-level opinion.

So, if you are a rightwinger, you will think that Colbert’s extreme self-love


is manly, delightful, and as American as Norman Rockwell, and


that his song, “Charlene” is a beautiful expression of pure, undying love.

Considering this strange inability of such people to see beyond the literal, Keith Olbermann said, “So I shouldn’t tell guests that Colbert greets them backstage with” —

It's French, bitch.

It's French, bitch.

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George Lucas directs Real World

George Lucas directs Real World

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Digby has posted the full text of David Broder’s April 26 piece called, “Stop Scapegoating.” It is an appalling argument, one Glenn Greenwald has rightly called “a tour de force of Beltway sickness – even for him.” Here is a representative excerpt from Broder’s response to calls for investigations into those who justified and ordered torture:

. . . now Obama is being lobbied by politicians and voters who want something more — the humiliation and/or punishment of those responsible for the policies of the past. They are looking for individual scalps — or, at least, careers and reputations.

Their argument is that without identifying and punishing the perpetrators, there can be no accountability — and therefore no deterrent lesson for future administrations. It is a plausible-sounding rationale, but it cloaks an unworthy desire for vengeance.

The “voters” to Broder are those over-emotional filthy masses who cannot see reason and will erupt into violence at any moment. They want vengeance, you see. Not justice. What justice would it be to make our political class accountable for their grotesque crimes?

Broder has a long history of making such specious arguments on behalf of the powerful. As Digby shows, Broder was defending Richard Nixon in 1969 against those miscreants who wanted to “break the President.”

This, bizarrely, is how Broder then described the anti-war movement:

There is . . . a vital distinction . . . to be made between the constitutionally protected expression of dissent, aimed at changing national policy, and mass movements aimed at breaking the President by destroying his capacity to lead the nation or to represent it at the bargaining table.

Anyone familiar with Doonesbury will remember the anti-Vietnam war student, “Megaphone” Mark Slackmeyer, who threatened the Establishment with protests, the occupation of the university president’s building, and the like. Thirty years later, Slackmeyer has yet another kind of establishment to contend with.

Slackmeyer Returns

Slackmeyer Returns

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There have been complaints in the blogosphere that Chuck Todd is being his usual hackish self in trivializing the discussion of torture, calling it a “political food fight” and blaming the so-called “hard left and hard right” for making a big deal over nothing.

It’s not his fault. He can’t help simply repeating what other pundits say. Because journalism isn’t his field — he is actually that guy that manages Flight of the Conchords.

Murray talks about how tough life is

Murray at a meeting with Brett and Jemaine.

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The babyfaced crypto-fascist former head of the, uh, Christian Coalition has been spending his time defending the practice of torture with Sean Hannity.

So, let’s see now.

Waterboarding–well, it was only for 30-40 seconds at a time, pffft. And you know, we only did it to the three worst terrists. And by the way, the waterboarding led to accurate info!

No one was  sleep deprived for more than 72 hours. I did more than that cramming for exams in grad school . . . chuckle   guffaw

And let’s put this in context — there are attacks being planned right now, and torturing keeps us safe, and the torturers should be honored . . .

OK, Ralph. I’ll put aside the fact that not one of these statements is true. I just wonder where it is in the New Testament that Jesus puts electrodes on anyone’s testicles or sets dogs on naked men. Do get back to me on that.

But I suppose it’s OK, really. We can do these things to, you know, brown people.  Like Jesus.

Reed addresses his flock

Reed addresses his flock

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On ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” Peggy Noonan, discussing the recent release of the torture memos, said,

It’s hard for me to look at a great nation issuing these documents and sending them out to the world and thinking, oh, much good will come of that.

Some things in life need to be mysterious . . . Sometimes you need to just keep walking.

Russ Feingold said he never heard anything quite as disturbing. Disturbing, Senator?  How about monstrous? or batshit crazy?

I wonder if anything can change her mind . . .

Some things should be mysterious

Some things should be mysterious

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